What to expect
when visiting the church

Our main act of worship is the Holy Eucharist - the offering of praise and thanksgiving to God and the sharing of the Sacrament of Communion. We celebrate the Eucharist every Sunday and Wednesday at 10 a.m. Sunday service is live streamed and on Zoom.
Our services incorporate both contemporary and traditional music, led by our organist, choir and guitar group. Please feel free to join us after the service as we enjoy tea, coffee and refreshments in our Lower Hall.
St Thomas Anglican Church
2444 E 41st Avenue,
Vancouver, BC V5R 2W4
Sunday 10am | Wednesday 10am

Children of all ages are welcome in worship. Children attend a youth program for part of the service and rejoin the congregation for the Eucharist. An enclosed parents room is also available at the back of the church.

St Margaret’s Street has two accessible parking spots and an area for drop off and pick up. There is also free street parking available on St Margaret street.

The Service
Sunday service is at 10 a.m. and last approximately an hour. Anyone baptized person in any Christian denomination is welcome to receive the Sacrament and others are encouraged to come forward for a blessing as the bread and wine are shared.
After the service is over, the community gathers for a social time with coffee, tea and refreshments.
St.Thomas recently underwent a major renovation to improve the accessibility of our building. To enter the building, a wheelchair ramp is located along Margaret Street.
St.Thomas has an elevator elevator that reaches all three levels of the church and fully accessible washrooms.

Easter & Christmas
The great feasts of Easter and Christmas are times of particular significance in the Christian community, and are marked by many special observances.
These services are posted on the parish website in the weeks preceding these feasts.