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About Us

Let's journey together

Through our worship, study, outreach and fellowship activities, St.Thomas strives to be an inclusive community that welcomes, supports and equips all people on the journey of life. We hope that you will be nurtured and enriched as you share in the life of the parish. Let’s journey together.

Bibles in pew

New to St Thomas?

Our Faith

Anglicans are known by their worship.

We gather each week to celebrate Christ among us.

We share the Sacrament of Communion as a sign of Christ's presence and life among us.

We pray that we would live as the Body of Christ is the world.

Bible on Lectern

“Saint Thomas Church is a Christian Community Which Welcomes, Supports and Equips People on the Journey of Life.”

the Team
Ministries & Activities

At St. Thomas we believe we are all ‘ministers of the Gospel’ and we strongly encourage adults and children to offer their gifts during worship and in the community. There are many ways for parishioners to participate.


Readers, intercessors, counters, greeters, altar guild,  healing team, kitchen crew, servers, the choir and guitar group all participate in the service. New committee members and activity volunteers are always warmly welcomed.


If you are interested in becoming a part of church ministry, please contact the priest or a warden for more information on how to get involved.

Community Outreach

Connecting with our neighbours is important to us, whether it is through outreach partnerships with neighbourhood houses, community groups or schools, or providing a welcoming place for individuals and groups to gather.

Exploring Our Faith

St. Thomas regularly host study groups throughout the year that explore our faith and examine how our spiritual beliefs and actions impact the world around us.


St. Thomas has a variety of committees and groups to support our life as a community. New members and volunteers are always warmly welcomed.

Prayer Chain

Do you or someone you know need support? Our prayer team offers prayers on a completely confidential basis.

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Anglican Foundation of Canada

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Primate's World Relief
& Development Fund

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Anglican Church of Canada

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Diocese of 
New Westminster

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Vancouver School
of Theology

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